Shawl by Oscardo
1) Polar Bears roam the Arctic, growing up to 10 feet and 1,700 lbs. Their fur has fine white hair and long hollow clear hairs, which carry solar energy to the heat-absorbent black skin. Their furry webbed feet aid walking on ice and swimming. They can swim 60 miles at a time.
These uniquely oven fringed shawls measure 70cm x 165.1cm. Design can be seen on both sides (reversible).
2) The Maple Leaf has been used as a symbol of Canada as far back as the 18th century, and even before that, the aboriginal peoples of Canada were making sugar and syrup from the sap of the maple tree.
These uniquely woven fringed shawls measure 27.5” x 70”. Design can be seen on both sides (Reversible).